*Although this picture doesn't do it much justice and was taken before it fully blossomed, but just look how happy I am!
After much thought, writing, dreaming, gathering inspiration and babbling about
the significance of a black eye (for over a week)
--it's visual appeal and stigma--
...plus, this whole Temporary thing you may have noticed I am thinking a lot about recently...
Ladies and Gents,
I have tapped into my masochistic side.
I decided that it was a great idea to use my body as an art piece. A sort of painting per se.
as the canvas, yeah??
*(refer to Marina Abramovic's Rhythm performances)
I spent all night giving my eye repeated attention
and now
I shall make love to my black eye and wear it not like a scarlet letter, but like a
golden prize.
My friend Airon recorded some of the performance on my shitty sony camera
which I shall upload very soon.
sweet dreams,